Info og Beskrivelse: Casa Vacanze nær Arezzo i Toscana, Laterina

Umiddelbare Reservasjon
  71 Sengeplasser

Feriehuset er basert på den gamle strukturen som var vert for Baglioni-ovnen i tre hundre år, frem til andre verdenskrig. En firkant av håndlagde murstein i hjertet av strukturen gir prominens til den nakne steinen til den omkringliggende muren, som skråner ned i en bred park. Møblene er sammensatt av oppussede og fornyede... Se Mer

Feriehuset er basert på den gamle strukturen som var vert for Baglioni-ovnen i tre hundre år, frem til andre verdenskrig. En firkant av håndlagde murstein i hjertet av strukturen gir prominens til den nakne steinen til den omkringliggende muren, som skråner ned i en bred park. Møblene er sammensatt av oppussede og fornyede materialer fra den gamle ovnen.

Eiendommen ligger i en strategisk geografisk posisjon: feriehuset er innen 50 km fra de vakreste byene i Toscana, som Firenze, Siena, Arezzo, Cortona og fra mindre, men ikke mindre fascinerende byer og byer som Il Borro, Loro Ciuffenna , Gropina; Civitella, La Verna, Assisi, Poppi, Anghiari, Monteriggioni og mange andre.

Boligen: I dag er den gamle strukturen restaurert og delt inn i 13 leiligheter som vender mot det storslåtte og frodige toskanske landskapet. Hver og en har uavhengig inngang med litt frontplass til bord og stol.

Boligene i første etasje, ca. 60 m² brede, er leiligheter med dobbeltrom, bad og stue med to eller tre enkle sovesofaer. To leiligheter i første etasje er 50mq brede og består av en stue, bad og to doble soverom.

I første etasje består leilighetene (ca. 80mq brede) av en stue, et dobbelt soverom, et bad og en mesanin med tre eller fire senger, et andre bad og en walk-in-garderobe. I noen leiligheter er tilgjengelig i stuen en dobbel sovesofa.

Hver bolig er innredet i stuen med en kjøkkenkrok med kjøleskap, komfyr, oppvaskmaskin, servise, kaffemaskin, mikrobølgeovn og alt som trengs for å lage mat hjemme.

En rekke fasiliteter er tilgjengelige for vertene som to svømmebassenger, et solarium, en lekeplass og en stor fellesgrill. Andre fasiliteter inkluderer en frisk drue arbor og, under den, store bord hvor du kan tilbringe hyggelige, hyggelige øyeblikk. For de som foretrekker mer bortgjemte steder er det små bord og leseplasser i skyggen av trærne. Her kan du stoppe og nyte panoramaet og se noen ville dyr som ofte dukker opp i parken som strekker seg foran feriehuset.

Strukturen, lett tilgjengelig med bil, tilbyr en bred gratis parkering, gratis Wi-Fi i og utenfor boligene, tv, sengetøy til soverommet kjøkken og bad (skiftes ukentlig) og tilgjengeligheten av en vaskemaskin og tørketrommel.

Inne i den store hagen (4 hektar bred) er det diverse utstyr, gratis og eksklusivt for gjestene.

I tillegg til en tradisjonell grill dekket av en baldakin, er det en stor grill på 2 meter i diameter ved siden av en skyggefull pergola, delt inn i 8 kvadranter. Gjestene står fritt til å bruke grillen og bordene under pergolaen for å nyte måltidet med panoramautsikt over skogen i nærheten.

I hagen er det to svømmebassenger, ett på 6x12m, 1,40m dypt, og ett for barn, 3x4m og 0,80m dypt. Rundt bassengene er det lysthus i tre, solsenger og fluktstoler tilgjengelig.

Designet for barn, er det en liten trelekeplass noen få meter fra bassenget hvor barna kan leke trygt.

På forespørsel kan du dra nytte av skjønnhetstjenester som manikyr, pedikyr og ansiktspleie inne i leiligheten din, eller slappe av med varm oljemassasje, anti-cellulittmassasje og drenerende massasjer.




- Malerkurs;



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Average review score

  • 9
    Match beskrivelse
  • 8.9
    Komfort / Velvære
  • 8.6
    Valuta for pengene
  • 8.7
  • 9
  • 9.4
    Eier / ansatte

Sjekk Tilgjengelighet

Check In Date
Check Out Date
Antall voksne
Number of Children
Barnas alder

Velg overnattingssteder

Velg overnattingssteder

Sat, 27 Jul 2024
Sat, 27 Jul 2024
27 Jul - 27 Jul
Voksne Barn
- Innskudd €

Overnattingstype Price for 0 nights
for 0 nights
Select your accommodation Lodgings

Detaljer og Tjenester

Tilgjengelig på alternative datoer
  • Total: € 0
  • You have to select at least one accommodation to proceed with your reservation

Tildel gjester til overnattingsstedene

Please, tell us how you would like to allocate your traveling companions in the following accommodations, in order to give the owner all the indications he needs to prepare the lodgings, as well as to provide you with a precise estimate of your stay.

pris €
Appartamento xxxxxxxxx
TOTALPRIS € 1.111€
Obligatoriske tjenester
Your dates are highly demanded and the property seems not to be available; please, see below the alternative dates or check the availability with the owner sending him your request .

Your dates are highly demanded and the property has a limited availability; if you don't like the accommodations proposed, ask the owner for alternative solutions sending him your request.

Obligatoriske tjenester
  • Total: € NESTE

Tilgjengelighet for fleksibel datoer

The search with flexible dates has found also the following availabilities in the property. Please look for which dates you prefer and make your reservation.

Enter your request

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;


Registrer deg for vårt nyhetsbrev og motta tilbudene og den nyeste Uutiset.

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;


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Sat, 27 Jul 2024

Sat, 27 Jul 2024




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Umiddelbar bekreftelse


Sat, 27 Jul 2024

Sat, 27 Jul 2024




Best price

No additional costs

Umiddelbar bekreftelse

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Registrering av personlig informasjon

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;


All Accommodations

Tilgjengelige Tjenester

Generelle Tjenester

Eier tilstede
Utendørs belysning
Sengetøy - håndklær (ukentlig skifte)
Ekstra seng
Ikke tilgjengelig i alle overnattingssteder 
Tilgang for funksjonshemmede
Ikke tilgjengelig i alle overnattingssteder 
Bil ladestasjoner


Wi-Fi Internett-tilgang
Ikke tilgjengelig i alle overnattingssteder 

Andre Tjenester

Losji for grupper

Pay services - Fastsettes på stedet

Transport til / fra flyplass

Valgfritt betalte tjenester

Kjæledyr er tillatt
5.00 € per dag
Daglig rengjøring
10.00 € per time
Ekstra seng
20.00 € per dag
Ikke tilgjengelig i alle overnattingssteder
Ekstra skift av sengetøy
6.00 € hele ferien
Ekstra håndklær
4.00 € hele ferien
Internasjonal frokost (Søt Salt)
10.00 € per person per dag

Tjenester og nærliggende steder

1 Km Sykkelleie
2 Km Dagligvare
2 Km Bar - Cafe
2 Km Restaurant-Pizzeria
2 Km Klesbutikker
2 Km Sentrum
2 Km Supermarked
2 Km Apotek
5 Km Jernbanestasjon
5 Km Bilutleie
8 Km Utsalg
14 Km Sykehus

Vi snakker disse språkene

Engelsktalende English
Franskatalende Français
Italiensktalende Italiano

Betingelser og vilkår

Deposit rules

Bestillingen krever et depositum på 30%. av totalen påkrevd.

Ved bestilling av overnatting ved hjelp av Instant Booking on-line prosess, beskyttet av Ssl sertifikat, belastes kontoen for å bekrefte reservasjonen, med 4tourism srl.
4Tourism s.r.l società unipersonale
Via S.Antioco 70 - 56021 Cascina (PI) - Codice Fiscale 01618980500 - Partita Iva 01618980500
4tourism srl registered in the CCIAA of Pisa nr.141307 owner of the
Travel Agency Tour Operator ..

Betalingsmetode depositum: Bankgiro - Kredittkort

For å bekrefte bestillingen, vennligst skriv inn kredittkortopplysningene dine:


 American expressamex




Balansere bestemmelser

Total saldo vil bli betalt: ved ankomst

Betalingen vil bli gjort med: Kredittkort - Bankgiro - Cash

Kredittkort akspeteres:




Kansellerings kostnader

For avbestillinger inkludert i perioden mellom 24 timer etter reservasjonen og til 30 dd ved ankomst, vil en straff tilsvarende 30% bli brukt.

Avbestillinger fra 29 dager før ankomst til 15dager før ankomst pålegges en avgift på 70% av totalbeløpet.

Avbestillinger fra 14 dager før ankomst til 0dager før ankomst pålegges en avgift på 100% av totalbeløpet.

I tilfelle 'ikke ankommet' eller 'tidlig avreise', gjelder avbestillingsregler fra '0 dager før ankomst'

Hotell regler

Ved mottak av et depositum på 150€.

Ankomst må skje mellom 16:00 - 20:00.

Rommene må senest forlates 10:00.

Turist skatt

For år 12 og over - Gyldig i månedene fra Januar til Desember - € 1.50 Per person - Opp til dager 4

Ikke inkludert i prisen, som skal betales lokalt

Best price

trygg bestilling

No additional costs


June 2024

“Authentic spacious apartment, well equiped, the estate is beautiful, food in restaurant delicious. Whole family is very friendly and hekpful. Cooking class was fun as well.”

Anja and Damijan fra Slovenia

June 2024

“Acceuille parfait esprit familiale et d une gentillesse personnel souriant aimable toujours prêt à rendre excellent personnel efficace et charmant. Logement agréablement frais malgré la chaleur extérieur...même pas besoin de l air conditionné directement.”

Henry fra Belgium

July 2023

“Que des points positifs pour ces quelques jours passés: Enrico et tout le personnel sont adorables! Le restaurant excellent et l'appartement ainsi que le grand jardin très agréable et confortable! Bref un super séjour avec un accueil parfait”

Ondine perier fra Switzerland

June 2023

“Fantastisch lieve staf, heerlijk restaurant. Vakantie tussen de italianen. Alles om een heerlijke vakantie te hebben”

Hans fra Netherlands

April 2023

“Loved the host family. Beautiful grounds and look forward to coming back and experiencing their produce as their olive trees and gardens mature. They were so helpful and accommodating. A good place for outward daily sight seeing trips and/or just staying close and relaxing.”

Gayla fra United States

July 2022

“The restaurant onsite is a huge plus: a very good selection of dishes on a beautiful terrace (excellent pizza with a proper Neapolitan oven, great beef tagliata done on the barbecue…). Breakfast and lunch can also be served with less than 24h notice In addition the staff is very friendly and flexible, we wanted to have early dinner on most days (6.30pm) which they accommodated for us”

Christoph fra Canada

July 2022

“We really enjoyed staying at your place! Great hostmanship and we felt that you really care for your guests and your place. Authentic , rustic and big apartment which felt more like a house of our own since the garden was right outside. We also enjoyed the two pools in the garden a lot. The breakfast was excellent as well as the dinners. We could have choosen to eat somewhere else but since it was so good we ate every meal possible at the beautiful terrace. Gorgeous pizzas made outdoors under the stars. Also a good selection of other options. We would love to come back to this place.”

Ada, Jonas and Klara, Sweden fra

August 2019

“Swimming pool, calm of the house, view, restaurant and the diner.”

Fache Frédéric fra France

August 2019

“Ce lieu est habité par une propriétaire charmante qui vous guide sur les choses à voir dans la région et par ses adjoints très disponibles et gentils. Le lieu est magique, au calme, au centre des belles villes de Florence, Sienne et autres. Possibilité de gouter des vins, excellentes expériences et même de commander à diner (nous ne l'avons pas fait).rnPiscine sympa et terrain immense !!!”

le club des 7 Francais fra France

July 2019

“We had a wonderful stay. Everyone was helpful and we really enjoyed the meals we had there at the cafewine bar Delicious The pool was so refreshing after a day of travel A favorite place in Italy”

Dimitroff family fra United States